Friday, 30 August 2013

Looking after Baby Bubblyjock

Who did what for the wee infant? They knew each other's strengths and the roles fell quite easily.
   So Evelyn was appointed CEO and Positivity Director. 'Of course we can do it!' With her extensive experience of the publishing world, she was an obvious to keep them all on track, informed and motivated.
   Bill the Dave, with his background in print and typesetting and his keen eye was appointed Technology Director. He formatted and uploaded Take Ten onto KDP where the other three feared to tread.
   Bill the Dug is very good with figures. He is treasurer for the Writers Group and knows which column to put the numbers in. So he became Financial Director. He has opened a bank account (which is good).
   Anna was appointed Marketing and Publicity Director because two years ago her daughter set up a blog for her, along with a Twitter account and a Facebook account. She now has to work out how to use them.
   It's all a learning process. They are all enjoying it and still finding time to keep on writing and planning their next book(s). What sort of progress are they making? See Take Ten on Amazon.

In upcoming posts, read author profiles of each of the Team. Also read Ladynovelist's Motivation for Writers, tips and positive affirmations to overcome your writing obstacles. There will shortly be news of Bill the Dave's new book too. See you soon.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Bubblyjock and The Sexes

The continuing tale of Bubblyjock Publications;

'I can't quite put my finger on it, but isn't Bubblyjock vaguely rude?' said Anna.
   'No,' said three voices in chorus. 'It's a great name.
   So they shook hands and congratulated each other. 'Job done.'
   Well not quite. A name is a good thing to have but an Ebook on Amazon is even better.
   Fortunately the short stories and flash fiction were already written. These are prolific and talented writers; of course they've got stories at the ready.
   They all proof-read all the stories. It's amazing what you miss in terms of punctuation, spelling, unintended repetitions and even ambiguity when it's your own work; and what you spot instantly in other folks' writing.
   They argued a wee bit over the relevance of commas, semi-colons and colons. There were purists among them who knew exactly where to put them and there were minimalists too who believed the reader could do a bit of the work. If ever you feel like whipping out your grammar book, the foursome are words-mad and will always listen to informed input. Of course, they all believe in capital letters and speech marks, I hasten to add. Though even there, others might prefer single or double speech commas.
   They discussed the mix of stories; romance, sci-fi, adventure, historical, wartime. Bubblyjock has two mothers and two fathers; it was important that subject areas for both male and female readers were well represented, if that's not sexist. 'Men don't read short stories ...' ?? Let the readers of Take Ten decide and rewrite the statistics.
   Then, when they were 100% happy with the product, they appointed the board members, each having separate responsibilities and each of vital importance in their own right; a bit like midwife, doctor, nurse.
   How did they get on? Check out their baby on Take Ten at Amazon.

   Who does what for Bubblyjock? Next post; meet the board members.


Friday, 9 August 2013

What's in a Name? How Bubblyjock Publications was born.

So what was the gestation period for Bubblyjock and the birth process?
   It started in Spring of 2012 and nobody can really remember the actual moment of conception. It kind of sneaked up on the four friends as they used words like 'What if ...', 'Why don't we ...', Do we know anyone who has ever ...', It can't be that difficult ...', It isn't even expensive ...' and 'That way we cut out the middle man.'
   So started a series of board meetings held over the £10.00 lunchtime specials at the Brisbane Hotel in Largs. Sometimes it was fish and chips in Nardini's.
   Of all the life-changing issues to resolve, one in particular loomed large. 'What do we call ourselves?' The suggestions came thick and fast. These people are writers and nothing if not creative.
   They liked alliteration. Pecan Publishing, Priority, Parchment, Pica. Bill the Dave was a printer in a former existence and they toyed with Point Publishing, Bond, Resolution, Onionskin, Hot Press(!), Offset, Absolute. Brilliant ideas poured out of them as they swigged tea and chomped chips.
   They went their separate ways for another week, agreeing to check with Companies House that these names were not already spoken for and would you believe it?! Yes, every single one.
   'But who would know?' they whispered. Put it like this, when Virgin abandoned their publishing arm, a friend had the idea of claiming Virgin Publishing for himself. Within a week of his registering it Geneva head office were down his throat with legal writs and allsorts. You have to be careful about names.
   Further ideas included Galley Press, Olive Oil (it seemed OK at the time), Dog Ear, Imprime. Tablet Publishing beautifully evoked that superb Scottish fudge-like delicacy with a hint of historical solidity. Sadly the Catholic church got there first with their magazine.
   Eventually they cut to the chase. As time went on they realised they had to get serious and really talk turkey.
   And that's how Bubblyjock and its logo were born. The old Scots word for this venerable and tasty bird, the turkey, is Bubblyjock. Simple.
   See the logo on the book, Take Ten, at Amazon.


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Bubblyjock Publications and its Four Parents

Ten years ago four people met at a writers group on the West coast of Scotland.
   They were already darn good writers.
   In fact one was so good that she already had hundreds of books, articles, short stories and plays published. That's Evelyn. Her massive fan base know and love her as Evelyn Hood.
   The other three were all poets, short story and article writers and aspiring novelists. They featured in independent publications. They were Bill the Dug, Bill the Dave and Anna.
   Then, over the years they got fed up of rejections from publishers and magazines or being asked to change their name (why?!)
   They kept winning competitions, being short listed, winning prizes, receiving accolades from their peers.
   They kept on writing; historical novels, romantic novels, sagas, flash fiction, poetry, features ... Because they loved writing.
   Then along came Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), the online Ebook publishing route that cut out the middle man. They decided to test the water with the only true arbiters of their writing; the reading public.
   That's when Bubblyjock Publications was born. Their first book has just appeared. It's called Take Ten. It's an anthology of short stories and flash fiction. In this busy world, each story takes no more than ten minutes to read.
   There are more books in the pipeline. This blog will follow their progress; already they have had frustrations, challenges, successes and learned more than they could ever have imagined when they started. You are invited to come along for the ride and to check out Take Ten on Amazon.